ITG or Keto? The Diet Details That Make the Difference

Dedicated to helping you regain and maintain your healthy, active lifestyle, we are proud to offer a comprehensive weight management program using the ITG Diet Plan. But how does the ITG Diet differ from other nutrition plans for weight loss, like a ketogenic diet?

A typical keto diet can result in some initial weight loss, but this can often stall out. Getting stuck in your weight loss is frustrating, and many quit and even lose their progress altogether. The ITG Diet is led by a specialized healthcare provider and includes a framework for continued progress and lasting results.

If you’re considering a keto diet or have reached a plateau in your weight loss, read the article linked below to find out why the ITG Diet can help you.

ITG Diet vs. Typical Keto Diets

Call (772) 569-2330 to schedule an appointment, or click here to learn more about the ITG Diet Plan at Vero Orthopaedics.