Dr. Joe Panattoni Performs Trigger Finger Release Surgery

Board-certified, fellowship-trained hand surgeon Dr. Joao (Joe) Panattoni demonstrates a surgical procedure known as trigger finger release for the hand condition known as trigger finger.

Trigger finger generally results from inflammation within a tendon sheath, restricting tendon motion. A bump (nodule) in the tendon also may form. Tendons are fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone. 

Trigger finger involves a lump in the palm, pain when straightening your fingers, and swelling. Trigger finger release is used to relieve symptoms and restore function in the fingers and hand. Watch to learn more.

Treatment methods for trigger finger include:

  • Splinting to rest your finger so it can heal naturally
  • Anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain and swelling
  • Corticosteroid injections for powerful, temporary pain relief
  • A surgical outpatient procedure known as trigger finger release can be necessary in some cases.

Restoring a patient’s full function is always the ultimate goal, making trigger finger release an excellent treatment option to consider when surgery is necessary. Conservative treatment options are always exhausted first, but if those methods prove ineffective, then surgical options may be explored.

A patient can expect to wear a bandage for a few days following the procedure and undergo light exercises to restore mobility.

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