Appointment Information

Verify the date and time of the appointment

The time you should arrive at the office for your appointment is different than your scheduled appointment time. You may be required to complete new patient paperwork or provide personal identification and insurance information prior to being seen by your doctor. Because of this, you may be asked to arrive up to 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. Please confirm your expected arrival time when scheduling the appointment.

Complete Phreesia pre-visit intake

For your convenience, please complete any pre-visit records and forms through our online Phreesia intake process.

If the Phreesia online pre-visit intake is not completed prior to your appointment, you should arrive at least 30 minutes early to complete the intake in our office on a Phreesia device.

Know the address and location of your appointment

Make sure you confirm the office location prior to leaving for your appointment.

Be aware of travel complications and delays

Become aware of any driving conditions, road construction detours, and/or parking requirements and locations that may present a delay in your arrival, and plan accordingly.